Maureen Yorke

Kirsty and Rachel Save Valentine’s Day

Based on the Rainbow Magic fairy stories by Daisy Meadows

Chapter One

Kirsty and Rachel were enjoying some chocolate chip cookies that they had just baked with Kirtsy’s mother.

“Thank you again for letting me come and stay for the weekend,” Rachel said to her friend’s mother.  “I am really enjoying myself.”

“We are happy to have you here, Rachel,” replied Mrs. Tate.  “Having you here will make Valentine’s Day even sweeter!”

Chapter Two

The girls were out for a walk when they felt their special fairy lockets begin to glow.

The necklaces had been a gift from King Oberon and Queen Tatania.  The necklaces were filled with fairy powder that the girls could use to travel to Fairyland.

“I think that the fairies are calling us!” said Kirsty.

“Oh, I wonder if the fairies need our help with something” Rachel asked.

In a shower of gold glitter, the girls appeared in Fairyland.  The Weather Fairies and the Rainbow Fairies flew to greet the girls.  They were old friends.

Queen Tatania looked somber.  “Kirsty and Rachel,” said Queen Tatania, “welcome back to Fairyland.  I wish that we did not have to ask you for help.  But we do.  Jack Frost has been up to his usual tricks.”

Rachel asked, “What has he done this time?”

“I will let Rose, the Valentine’s Fairy, explain,” answered the Queen of the Fairies.

A very sad looking fairy, who wore a red dress that was covered in tiny little glittering hearts, flew over to talk to the girls.

“Jack Frost has stolen the Heart Quilt and he cut it into two pieces.  Without the Heart Quilt, Valentine’s Day will be ruined.  We have to save Valentine’s Day by sewing the Heart back together.”

“What can we do?” the two girls asked.

Rose replied, “You can help find where Jack Frost has hidden the pieces.”

Kirsty and Rachel nodded.  Before leaving Fairyland for home, Rose waved her fairy wand and a shower of heart shaped roses fell over the girls.

“This will help protect you from Jack Frost and his nasty goblins,” Rose explained.  “Good luck and thank you for your help.”

Chapter Three

Minutes later Rachel and Kirsty were back home.  They went up to Kirsty’s room to talk about what they should do next.

“Where do you think Jack Frost will hide the Quilt pieces?” Kirsty asked her friend.

Rachel thought for a moment.  “I am not sure,” she said, “but I hope that we find them soon since Valentine’s Day is only two days away.”

“I agree,” Kirsty replied.  “It would be terrible if Valentine’s Day was ruined.

Chapter Four

The next afternoon, Rachel and Kirsty went out to look for the two missing quilt pieces.  Kirsty’s dog, Twiglet, ran ahead and began barking loudly as he came to an empty house that was for sale on Broken-Heart Lane.  Rachel and Kirsty shivered at the sudden cold.

“The goblins must be nearby,” said Kirsty.  “I just felt a chill and Twiglet is barking,”

“I think that you are right,” Rachel agreed.  “Maybe we should look inside the house.”

After tying Twiglet to the porch railing, Rachel and Kirsty tiptoed up to the front door and turned the knob slowly.  Thankfully the door did not squeak as they made their way into the vacant house.

Kirsty whispered, “Listen.  I can hear the goblins arguing upstairs.  I wonder if they have hissed the quit pieces yet?

Slowly, carefully, the two girls climbed the stairs.  They stopped outside of the first bedroom door and listened.
“I am tired of running around trying to hide this Heart Quilt,” yawned a goblin with knobby-knees. “I would like to take a nap.”

“You know that Jack Frost would be very angry,” replied a goblin with a very crinkly-nose.  “We have to find a hiding place and get back home.”

Kirsty and Rachel peeked into the room and saw that each goblin was holding a quilt piece.

“We are in luck,” Rachel whispered.  “They haven’t hidden the pieces yet!  But how are we going to get the pieces away from the goblins?”

“I have an idea,” smiled Kirsty.  “We will try to get them to go to sleep and then we can sneak in and take them.”

“How are we going to do that,” Rachel wondered out loud.

“We will sing a lullaby,” answered her friend.

Rachel and Kirsty started to sing softly, and within minutes the second goblin had also started to yawn.

“Maybe we could take a short nap,” the crinkly-nosed goblin wheezed.

And just like that, the two goblins fell to the floor, wrapped themselves tightly with the quilt pieces, and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter Five

“How can we get the quilt pieces without them waking up?” moaned Rachel.

The goblins were snoring so loudly that the two did not need to whisper.

“I guess we will have to unroll them,” sighed Kirsty.  “I hope that they don’t wake up.  I am scared of what they will do to us!”

Kirsty and Rachel each took hold of a piece of the Heart Quilt and tugged and tugged.  Slowly the goblins bumped and rolled over and the material gave way.  The girls were happy to see that they were holding the two pieces of the Heart Quilt.

Just as Rachel and Kirsty were tiptoeing out the door, the knobby-kneed goblin shivered and opened his eyes.

“My feet are cold,” he grumbled.  “Stop hogging the quilt.”

Then he noticed Rachel and Kirsty trying to escape.  “Come back,” he hollered.  “Come back with the Heart Quilt.”

The girls flew out the door and down the stairs.  They could hear the goblins bumping into each other as they tried to follow.

“Oomph,” bellowed the crinkly-nosed goblin as he tripped over the knobby-kneed one.  “Watch where you are going.”

“Then get your big feet out of the way!” bawled his companion.

This gave the girls enough time to run out of the house to untie Twiglet.

The goblins burst out of the door and stopped when they saw the dog.  “I am not going near that wooly animal,” trembled the first goblin, looking at Twiglet.  “You go and get the Heart Quilt.”

“I am not going near that hairball either,” the second goblin shivered.  “But what will we tell Jack Frost?”

Kirsty and Rachel almost felt sorry for the nasty goblins, but they did not wait around to hear the answer.  They opened their fairy lockets and with a shower of gold sparkles they returned to Fairyland.

Chapter Six

Queen Tatania greeted the two girls with a warm hug.  “We are so proud of you both,” she told them.  “Jack Frost will not be able to ruin Valentine’s Day!”

Rose, the Valentine’s Day Fairy, flew forward and lovingly took the quilt pieces from Kirsty and Rachel.

“Let us restore the Heart Quilt,” she said.  Rose waved her wand and with a glitter of red roses the two pieces were magically joined together.

The Rainbow Fairies and the Weather Fairies all clapped and cheered.

Chapter Seven

Kirsty and Rachel were happy to see the Valentine’s Day cards and chocolate boxes sitting beside their breakfast plates.

“I am so glad that we were able to help Rose,” Rachel whispered.  “It would have been terrible if Jack had ruined Valentine’s Day for everyone.”

“I am glad, too,” Kirsty replied.  “But I can’t help wondering what Jack Frost will try to do next?”

© 2007, Maureen Yorke.

Maureen Yorke