Maureen Yorke

The Mystery of the Missing Lunches

The school year was almost over.  It was June and the days were getting hotter and hotter.

On Monday morning, Mrs. Chesterfield opened all of the windows in Room 3 to try to cool down the room.

“It is nice to let in some fresh air,” Mrs. Chesterfield explained.

It was almost 11:45 when Mrs. Chesterfield said to her class, “Time to clean up and get ready for lunch.”

Everyone was just sitting down to eat when some kids ran in and said, “Come quick.  Mr. Day tried to go down the yellow slide and got stuck!”

All of Mrs. Chesterfield’s class went to look.

When they came back everyone except Declan, Adele and Brandon started to eat their lunches.

Instead Declan, Adele and Brandon stared at their empty desks.

“Hey,” Declan said.  “Who took my crackers and Mortadella?”

“Hey,” Adele said.  “Who ate my rice?”

“Hey,” Brandon said.  “Who drank my Bibo?”

Declan looked in his knapsack for his lunch — but it was not there.  Adele looked under her book for her lunch — but it was not there.  Brandon looked in the smelly garbage can for his lunch – but (thankfully) it was not there.  Who took their lunches?

It was a mystery.

The next day, at lunchtime, some kids ran in and said, “Come quick.  Mrs. Night is taking a nap under the stairs and she is snoring really loud!”

All of Mrs. Chesterfield’s class went to look.

When they came back everyone except Hannah, Genna and Juan started to eat their lunches.

Instead Hannah, Genna and Juan stared at their empty desks.

“Hey,” Hannah said.  “Who ate my pizza?

“Hey,” Genna said.  “Who took my little bagels?”

“Hey,” Juan said.  “Who ate my hotdogs?”

Hannah looked in the listening centre for her lunch — but it was not there.  Genna looked under the benches in the hall for her lunch — but it was not there.  Juan looked in the stinky washroom for his lunch — but (thankfully) it was not there. Who took their lunches?

It was a mystery.

On Wednesday, just as the grade ones were unwrapping their lunches, some kids ran in and said, “Come quick.  Mr. Star is dancing in the hallway!”

All of Mrs. Chesterfield’s class went to look.

When they came back everyone except Lisa, Bianca and Chloe started to eat their lunches.

Instead Lisa, Bianca and Chloe stared at their empty desks.

“Hey,” Lisa said.  “Who ate my kabossa?

“Hey,” Bianca said.  “Who took my tomato sandwich?”

“Hey,” Chloe said.  “Who drank my water?”

Lisa looked in the cubbies for her lunch — but it was not there.  Bianca looked in her hat for her lunch — but it was not there.  Chloe looked in the musty lost and found for her lunch — but (thankfully) it was not there.  Who took their lunches?

It was a mystery.

At lunchtime on Thursday, the students in grade one opened their lunch bags and put their food on the table.  Just as they were about to take their first bite some kids ran in and said, “Come quick. Mrs. Moon is cutting off all of her hair for crazy hair day!  She is going to be bald!”

All of Mrs. Chesterfield’s class went to look.

When they came back everyone except Serrina, Adam and Nicholas started to eat their lunches.

Instead Serrina, Adam and Nicholas stared at their empty desks.

“Hey,” Serrina said.  “Who ate my sprinkle doughnut?

“Hey,” Adam said.  “Who took my Bear Paws?”

“Hey,” Nicholas said.  “Who ate my yogurt?”

Serrina looked under her chair for her lunch — but it was not there.  Adam looked behind the computers for his lunch — but it was not there.  Nicholas looked in his smelly gym shoes — but (thankfully) it was not there.  Who took their lunches?

It was a mystery.

On Friday, when the grade ones were unpacking their lunches, some kids ran in and said, “Come quick.  Mrs. Snow and Mr. Rain are playing ping-pong in the office.  Who do you think will win?”

Almost all of the Mrs. Chesterfield’s class went to look.

Hannah, who liked to read detective stories, had an idea.  She hid in the cubbies to watch to see what would happen.  (Editor’s note: Please know that this is a pretend story and that you should never, ever hide when you are supposed to be with your teacher!)

Hannah watched as a furry grey bandit scampered through the open window.  He quickly gobbled up some lunch and went back outside.

When the grade ones came back, everyone except Giovanni and Conor started to eat their lunches.

Instead Giovanni and Conor stared at their empty desks.

“Hey,” Giovanni said.  “Who ate my tuna?

“Hey,” Conor said.  “Who took my macaroni?”

Giovanni started to look in his pockets for his lunch.  Conor started to look in his desk for his lunch (which was a good place to look since Conor often left food in his desk.)

“Wait,” said Hannah.  “I know who took your lunches.”

After Hannah told the class what had happened, they all laughed.  A grey squirrel had taken their lunches.

The mystery was solved.

© 2006, Maureen Yorke.

Maureen Yorke