Maureen Yorke

A Nutty Squirrel Story

Reginald was the happiest baby squirrel that his parents had ever seen.  He loved to listen to stories and he loved to play patty cake.  He loved to cuddle with his blanket and he loved to hear his father singing.

So when Reginald was old enough to try his first “real” food, his parents knew that he would love that, too.

Reginald’s mother ground up acorns to make a baby cereal for Reginald.  He eagerly gobbled down his first spoonful.  But before Reginald could open his mouth for the next one, his cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk with 12 nuts stored in his cheek.

Reginald was allergic to nuts!

His dad did the only sensible thing that he could do – he threw their nuts away.  (I think a few dropped on a dog’s head as he lay sleeping under the tree!)  His mother and father did lots of research and found lots of great recipes that did not have any nuts.

Reginald grew and grew.  Soon he was old enough to start school.

The week before school, Reginald’s parents went to see the Principal.  They explained to Mrs. Pelican just how serious Reginald’s nut allergy was.

The Principal sent out a note that said:

Attention – Please do not send any nuts to school (I mean food, not your children!)  Reginald is allergic to nuts.  Thank you.

Willy’s mom grumbled, “But that is all little Willy will eat!”

Martha’s father griped, “Can’t Reginald just sit in a room by himself?”

Curtis’s mother whined, “I don’t have time to make fancy lunches.  Nuts are convenient.”

But these were the only parents who complained.  All the rest said, “We will find other things to send for lunch.  We will get out of our rut of just sending a nut!”

So the squirrels of Oak Tree School began bringing things like squash soup, carrot stew and potato pancakes.  They began baking things like pumpkin muffins and zucchini cookies.

It didn’t take long before mothers were exchanging recipes.  After all, their little squirrels came home saying things like, ”Mom, Bobby brought squash soup today and it smelled yummy!”

News of the yummy recipes spread.  Before long, reporters began writing about Oak Tree School where little squirrels ate well-rounded lunches from the four major food groups.  Oak Tree School was famous.  Mothers from Maple Tree School and Poplar Tree School and Birch Tree School began calling the Principal to ask for the recipes.

Now it wasn’t just the little squirrels who were happily eating at school.  Under cover, a band of termites had quietly and steadily munched their way up the trunk of the Oak Tree.  By the time the custodian found out, Oak Tree School needed major repairs.

A tree expert was called, and Mr. Leafy Leaves told them that it would cost a lot of money to fix the problem.  Since the school didn’t have enough money, Mrs. Pelican said that the school would have to be closed.

“I’m sorry, children, but there is nothing else that we can do.”

Reginald went home with his tail drooping. He was thinking about how much he loved school and especially about how his friends were trading nut-free recipes so that he would be safe.  Everyone loved those recipes, he thought.

And instead of feeling sadder, he began to feel better.  By the time he got home, Reginald’s tail wasn’t drooping any longer.

“Mom, dad,” he yelled.  “Oak Tree School has been closed, but I have an idea that will fix it!”

Reginald shared his idea with his parents and they immediately phoned Mrs. Pelican to set up a meeting.  When they were finished talking, Mrs. Pelican sent out a note that said:

Attention – We have a nutty idea that might save our school.  Let’s make a cookbook of our nut-free recipes to make money to fix the school. Thank you.

All of the children (even Willy, Martha and Curtis) contributed yummy nut-free recipes to the Oak Tree School Cookbook. The Cookbook was so successful that they even made enough money to add a brand new kitchen to their renovated school.

© 2008, Maureen Yorke.

Maureen Yorke