Maureen Yorke

The Moon and the Dinosaur Dance

Written by Madeleine Yorke Gambhir (then age 5)

Illustrated by Matthew Yorke Gambhir (then age 3)

One day, as Cleo the Dinosaur was stretching her neck to reach the leaves at the very top of a tree, she looked up in the sky and saw something that was BIG and ROUND.

“Hello,” she called to the moon.  My name is Cleo.”

“Hello,” the moon replied.  “My name is Luna.”

“You are very beautiful,” said Cleo.

“Thank you,” said Luna.

“Do you have any friends in the sky?” asked Cleo.

“Yes,” replied the moon.  “I have many planets to keep me company.  If you stretch really tall you might see them.  Look, there is Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.”

“You are very lucky to have so many friends,” said the Dinosaur.

“Do you have many friends on the earth?” asked Luna.

“Yes,” replied the Dinosaur.  “I have many dinosaurs to keep me company.  If you come a bit closer you will see Allosaurus, Brachiosaurs, Diplodocus, Icthyosaurus, Pterodactylus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Velociraptor.”


“What do you do in the sky?” Cleo asked.

“I light the way at night time.  And I dance across the sky.”

“I like to dance, too,” said Cleo.

“Let us dance together,” Luna said.

So they did.

© 2006, Maureen Yorke.

Maureen Yorke